Health Lab
Akomaye, I. & Boateng, G.O. Food insecurity and psychosocial well-being: a Malawian Study. Canadian Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, June 17-21, 2024.
Boateng, G.O., Dusing, G.J., Shafiquzzaman, S., Lartey, S.T., Agbe, E., & Okoye, D. Increasing ambient temperature disrupts sleep and impairs cognitive function. Health Effects Institute Annual Conference, Philadelphia, April 28-30, 2024.
Dusing, G.J. ¡, & Boateng, G.O. Increasing ambient temperature disrupts sleep quality among older adults in Ghana. Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Annual Conference. Los Angeles, California. March 7-10, 2024.
Dusing, G.J. ¡, & Boateng, G.O. Cooking fuel and chronic respiratory disease in older adults in Ghana and Mexico. Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Annual Conference. Los Angeles, California. March 7-10, 2024.
Wu, R. ¡, Adams, E.A., & Boateng, G.O. The effect of housing and energy insecurity on psychosocial health outcomes among those living in urban informal settlements in Ghana. Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Annual Conference. Los Angeles, California. March 7-10, 2024.
Georges, M. ¡, Adams, E.A., & Boateng, G.O. Housing insecurity and mental health outcomes: evidence from a cross-sectional study in Kenya’s informal settlements. Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Annual Conference. Los Angeles, California. March 7-10, 2024
Georges, M. ¡, Adams, E.A., Owuor, P.A., & Boateng, G.O. Gendered differences in the effect of housing insecurity on diarrheal infection in Kenyan informal settlements. Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Annual Conference. Los Angeles, California. March 7-10, 2024.
Owuor, P. ¡, Obondo, D., Onyango, E., Orero, W., Owuor, Jl., Odhimbo, S., & Boateng, G.O. The Influence of Housing Insecurity on HIV Treatment Outcomes Among People Living with HIV in Kisumu, Kenya. 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. Santa Fe, New Mexico. March 26-30, 2024.
Boateng, G.O., Wachter, K., & Schuster, R. Social Support Measurement in Research with Refugees in Resettlement: A Scoping Review. Society for Social Work and Research 28th Annual Conference. January 10-14, 2024.
Darashagam, N¡. & Boateng, G.O. A critical review of the health effects of food insecurity across the life course. American Public Health Association Conference, November 11-15, 2023. (Won best student paper presented at the APHA Food & Nutrition Section)
Darashagam, N¡., Lucumi, D., & Boateng, G.O. Effects and experiences of unequal access to clean energy in three municipalities in Colombia. American Public Health Association Conference, November 11-15, 2023.
Boateng, G.O., & Orbinski, J. Household risk and vulnerability indices: novel approaches to assessing governance program and solutions for planetary health. In Panel on Innovative governance solutions for resilience against climate, nature, and health crises: advancing planetary health in Africa. 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance, Radboud, Netherlands, October 22 – 27, 2023.
Wachter, K., Schuster, R., & Boateng, G.O. Considering the protective role of social support among women in refugee resettlement. Reimagining Refugee Services in the United States Symposium, Arizona State University and Switchboard. August 22-24, 2023.
Boateng, G.O., Okoye, D., Lartey, S.T., & Armah, F.A. Gendered and geographical effects of environmental degradation on noncommunicable diseases: Evidence from Global Atmospheric Emissions and WHO SAGE data. 3rd World Noncommunicable Disease Conference, Toronto, Canada, June 25-30, 2023.
Kyeremeh, E., & Boateng, G.O. Substance use among adolescents in Ghana: does food security matter? Congress/Canadian Sociological Association., Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 2, 2023.
Adams, E.A. & Boateng, G.O. A dilemma of the poor: choices between food, water, and energy in informal settlements. Urban Transitions Global Summit, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain. Nov. 8-10, 2022
Boateng, G.O., Brannon, G.E., Kindratt, T.B., Sankuratri, B.Y.V., & Brown, K. Patient-provider race and gender concordance does not influence diabetes care outcomes among non-pregnant women of childbearing age with diabetes mellitus in the United States. American Public Health Association Conference, Boston, Nov 7, 2022
Boateng, G.O. & Adams, E.A. Household food insecurity negatively affects multiple facets of well-being for those living in slums and informal settlements. American Society for Nutrition. June 14-16, 2022 (online).
Boateng, G.O. & Adams, E.A. A novel measure of housing insecurity, poverty and use of unclean cooking fuel are associated with greater food insecurity in slum and informal settlements. American Society for Nutrition. June 14-16, 2022 (online).
Boateng, G.O. & Adams, E.A. Housing insecurity and household energy poverty are independently but not synergistically associated with poor indoor air quality. Consortium of Universities for Global Health 13th Annual Global Health Conference, March 30 (online).
Boateng, G.O. & Adams, E.A. A multilevel multidimensional scale for measuring housing insecurity in urban slums and informal settlements. Consortium of Universities for Global Health 13th Annual Global Health Conference, March 30 (online).
Boateng, G.O, Rodriguez, J¡., Lartey, S., & Baiden, P. Severe functional disabilities are associated with lower quality of life and poorer subjective well-being. American Public Health Association, October 26, 2021(online).
Rodriguez, J¡., Lartey, S., & Boateng, G.O. Gender differences in functional disabilities: evidence from the WHO Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health. Consortium of Universities for Global Health 12th Annual Global Health Conference, March 12-14 (online).
Brown, K., Kindratt, T., Brannon, G., & Boateng, G.O. Examining healthcare rating, diabetes self-efficacy, and diabetes management among non-pregnant women of childbearing age by race and ethnicity. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 14-17 (online).
Boateng, G.O., Lartey, S., Baiden, P, & Luginaah, I.N. Assessing hypertension progression in an aging population: a comparative study of the ACC/AHA blood pressure guidelines in sub-Saharan Africa. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 24-28 (online).
Boateng, G.O., Phipps, L.M., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., & Armah, F.A. Exposure to household air pollution is associated with stillbirth and child mortality but not low birth weight in Ghana. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 24-28 (online).
Rodriguez, J¡. & Boateng, G.O. Emotional and sexual violence are negatively associated with the timing but not the frequency of antenatal care among Nigerian women. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 24-28 (online). *
Gohil, D., Mutuku, C., Balfour, N., Obando, J.O., & Boateng, G.O. Adaptation and validation of a pastoralist household water insecurity scale in an urban and rural setting in Samburu County, Kenya. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 24-28 (online). *
Lartey, S., Lung, T., Magnussen, C., Boateng, G.O., Minicuci, N., Kowal, P., Hayes, A., de Graaff, B., Blizzard, L., & Palmer, A. Modeling the impact of overweight and obesity on clinical and economic outcomes among older adults in a sub-Saharan African setting. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 24-28 (online).
Baiden, P., Xiao, Y., LaBrenz, C., Boateng, G.O., Graaf, G., Asiedua-Baiden, G., Alanazi, A., Muehlenkamp, J. Sex differences in the association between sexual violence victimization and suicidal behaviors among adolescents. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 24-28 (online). *
Rodriguez, J¡. & Boateng, G.O. Determinants of low birthweight in Ghana: A population-based study using the 2017 Ghana Maternal Health Survey. 2020 Global Health & Innovation Conference, Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 4-5 (online). *
Boateng, G.O., Workman, C., Miller, J., Onono, M., & Young, S.L. Syndemic Effects of Food Insecurity, Water Insecurity, and HIV on Maternal Depression among a Kenyan Cohort. American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 2-6.,
Boateng, G.O. & Armah, F.A. A novel household energy poverty index: Development and psychometric evaluation. American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 2-6. *
Boateng, G.O., Young, S.L., & Armah, F.A. Solid fuel use, indoor air pollution and cumulative health outcomes: an exposome-disease approach. American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 2-6. *
Lartey, S.T. ¡, de Graaff, B., Magnussen, C., Boateng, G.O., Aikins, M.K.S, Si, L., & Palmer, A. Health Service Utilization and Direct Healthcare Costs are associated with Obesity in Ghana’s Older Adult Population. American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 2-6. (Award winning manuscript – Honorable Mention – Nobuo Maeda International Research Award).
Lartey, S.T. ¡, Magnussen, C., Si, L., de Graaff, B., Boateng, G.O., Blizzard, L., Palmer, A. Trends in Obesity Prevalence among Older Ghanaian Adults from 2007-2015: Evidence from WHO SAGE Waves 1 & 2. American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 2-6.
Baiden, P., Tadeo, S.K., Tonui, B.C., Seastrunk, J.D., Boateng, G.O. Investigating the Effects of Insufficient Sleep on Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents: Findings from the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance. American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 2-6.*
Boateng, G.O. & Armah, F.A. A novel household energy poverty index: Development and psychometric evaluation. Harvard Chan Poster Day, Harvard University, April 25.*
Young, S., Boateng, G., Jamaluddine, Z., Miller, J., Frongillo, E., Neilands, T., Collins, S., Wutich, A., Jepson, W., Stoler, J., & HWISE Research Coordination Network. Development & Uses of a Validated Scale to Measure Household Water Insecurity Cross-Culturally. American Association of Geographers, Washington, DC, April 3-7.
Ajibade, I. & Boateng, G.O. Sustainability and environmental actions in Portland: reconciling perceptions, ideological cleavages, and tensions. 8th Annual SPSP Sustainability Psychology Preconference, Portland, Oregon, Feb 7-9.
Boateng, G. O., Baiden, P., & Dako-Gyeke, M. Household food insecurity is associated with school absenteeism among Junior High School students. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Nov. 10-14.
Young, S.L., Boateng, G. O., Collins, S., Wutich, A., & Jepson, W…HWISE consortium. Development and testing of a household water insecurity measure that is equivalent across countries. 3rd Agriculture, Nutrition, & Health (ANH) Academy Week, Accra, Ghana, June 25 - 29.
Boateng, G. O., Adams, E.A., Lin A., Mbullo, P. & Young SL. Biomass cooking fuel is associated with increased risk of anemia among women in Ghana. Human Biology Association, Austin, Texas, April 11-12. *
Yeam, J. ¡, Boateng, G. O., Miller, J., Collins, S.M., & Young, S.L. Depression is associated with lower health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among postpartum women in western Kenya. Human Biology Association, Austin, Texas, April 11-12. *
Miller, J.D.¡, Boateng, G. O., Santoso, M.V., Collins, S.M., Onono, M., &Young, S.L. Concerns for Physical Safety are strongly associated with household water insecurity among women in western Kenya. 9th Annual Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference, New York City, NY., March 15 -18.
Boateng, G. O., Adams, E.A., Odei Boateng, M., Luginaah, I.N, & Taabazuing, MM. Obesity and the Burden of Health Risks among the Elderly in Ghana – A Population Study’ American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 4-8 (Award winning manuscript).
Boateng, G. O., Collins, S.M., Mbullo, P., Wekesa, P., Onono, M., Neilands, T.B., & Young, S.L. Household Water Insecurity Scale: A model to develop a cross culturally validated tool. 5th Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium. L'École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et d'Analyse des Systèmes (ENSIAS). Rabat, Morocco, Nov. 2-4.*
Boateng, G.O., Collins, SM., Mbullo, P., Wekesa, P., Onono, M., Neilands, TB., & Young, SL. A novel tool for the assessment of household water insecurity: scale development and validation in Western Kenya. Experimental Biology, Chicago, IL, April 22-26.
Boateng, G.O., Onono, M., Collins, SM., Baughan, E., Wekesa, P., Familiar, I., Widen, E.M. & Young, SL. Early childhood learning activities buffer adverse effects of HIV exposure on infant cognitive development: a longitudinal study. Experimental Biology, Chicago, IL., April 22-26. (Award winning manuscript & poster).
Collins, SM. ¡, Miller, J.D., Mbullo, P., Wekesa, P., Boateng, G.O., Onono, M., & Young, SL ‘You take the cash meant for beans and you buy water’: The multi-faceted consequences of water insecurity for pregnant and postpartum women of mixed-HIV status. Experimental Biology. Chicago, IL. April 22-26.*
Boateng, G.O., Onono, M., Baughan, E., Collins, S.M., & Young S.L. HIV-exposure But Not Food Insecurity is deleterious to infant cognitive development. Human Biology Association, New Orleans, LA April 19-20.
Collins SM. ¡, Widen, EM., Santoso, MV., Martin, SL., Hoke, MK., Boateng, G.O., Tuthill, EL., Wekesa, P., Onono, M., & Young, SL. Biological and psychosocial determinants of sustained exclusive breastfeeding among women of mixed-HIV status in western Kenya. Human Biology Association, New Orleans, LA April 19-20. *
Miller, J. ¡, Boateng, G.O., Collins, S., Wekesa, P., Onono, M., &Young, SL. Perinatal Geophagy is associated with HIV and anaemia among women in western Kenya. Human Biology Association, New Orleans, LA., April 19-20*
2015 - 2016
2016 Boateng, G.O. Systems Thinking: A novel model for thinking about scale construction and development. Systems Thinking Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY., December 6.
2016 Boateng, G.O. The Career Pathways and Integration of Foreign-born and Canadian-Born Nurses in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Health Workforce Conference, Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. October 3 – 5.
2016 Baiden, P., Fallon, B., den Dunnen, W., & Boateng, G.O. Examining the independent enduring effects of early childhood adversities on troubled sleep among Canadian Adults: A population-based study. 66th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, The Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Canada., September 22 – 24.
2015 Boateng, G. O. Decomposition of Absenteeism Gap between Full-time nurses and Part-time nurses in Canada. Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN) 2015 National Conference, Toronto, Canada., November 5-6. *
2015 Amoyaw, J.A., & Boateng, G. O. Differences that make a difference: Residential spaces and Timing of Sexual debut in Nigeria. American Sociological Association, 110th Annual Conference, Chicago, August 22-25.
2015 Boateng, G.O. & Amoyaw, J.A. Six Decades after Independence: The Enduring influence of Missionary Activities on Inequalities in Ghana. American Sociological Association, 110th Annual Conference, Chicago, August 22-25.
2015 Boateng, G.O. ‘Go Back to Your Country’ – Exploring the Nature of Conflicts Experienced by Nurses in Ontario. Canadian Sociological Association, 2015 Conference, University of Ottawa, Ontario, June 1-5.
Boateng, G.O. & Amoyaw, J.A. Examining the Reciprocal Relationship between Perceived Health Status and Happiness: Evidence from Three Welfare Regimes. American Sociological Association, 109th Annual Conference, San Francisco, California., August 16-19.
Amoyaw, J.A. & Boateng, G. O. Conundrum of Sexual-Decision Making and Safer Sex Behaviour among Married Women in Zambia. American Sociological Association, 109th Annual Conference, San Francisco, California., August 16-19.
Amoyaw, J.A. & Boateng, G. O. Safe Motherhood Behaviours of Women Enrolled under Ghana’s Anti-cash and Carry Health Insurance Scheme. Canadian Sociological Association, 2014 Conference, Brock University, St. Catherine’s, Ontario, May 26-30.
Boateng, G.O. & Etherington, N. Are the Educated in Developed Countries Really Healthy—Eight OECD Countries in Focus. QICSS International Conference on Social Policy and Health Inequalities: An International Perspective, Montreal, Quebec., May 7-9.
2012 - 2013
2013 Boateng, G. O., Srofenyoh, E., & Odei Boateng, M. Symptomatic Patterns of Near Miss Maternity Cases in Ghana, Assessing Individual and Structural Factors. XVth International Symposium in Medical/Health Geography—IMGS 2013, East Lansing, Michigan. July 7-12.
2013 Boateng, G.O. An Empirical Analysis of Women’s Empowerment in Ghana – Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. April 9-13.
2013 Boateng, G.O. Wealth, Women’s Autonomy and Right Knowledge: Negotiating for Safer Sex among Married women in Cambodia. 2nd Annual Health & Aging Graduate Research Conference (HGRC), McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario., March 1.
2012 Boateng, G.O. Women’s Autonomy and Health, A Case of Married Women in Ghana. Canadian Association of Geographers - Ontario Division, Annual Meeting, University of Toronto, Scarborough, CAGONT Conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 12-13.
2012 Boateng, G.O. Women in Banking in Ghana: Barriers and Opportunities. Canadian Sociological Association, 2012 Conference, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, May 29-June 2.